**Club Ground Status**: OPEN


Bromley Archery Club is a small, friendly club based in Lewisham.  Currently we only shoot on Sundays.  See Find Us for the club's location.

Sundays: The gate will be unlocked from about 8.30am for BAC members.

First arrows 9.30-10am. If there is SNOW lying on the field, the club will be CLOSED.


Entry into the club ground is through the gate on Whitefoot Lane, behind the two green containers.

Please CLOSE AND LOCK the gate upon entry and/or exit to and from the ground.


MIDWEEK Wednesday shooting is FINISHED.


SUNDAYS: Please text the Whatsapp group to reserve your spot on Sundays. Cancellations should be sent to the same group.

:: Anyone not in the Whatsapp group should be at the club before 9am to arrange for a target.

:: Alternatively, the Booking Form can still be used in the Members Only tab.

  • Club members should arrive at the club in time to start shooting by 10am. Members should help set out the field BEFORE putting up their archery equipment.
  • NB. Others may have started shooting before 10am.
  • Those arriving late should plan to stay behind to help put the field away.
  • For anyone arriving after shooting has already commenced or is about to start, the club reserves the right to refuse them permission to shoot.

Members and visitors should familiarise themselves with the guidelines on the Club Information tab.

**PLEASE NOTE** ::  Club members must have their valid Archery GB (GNAS) card with them when they attend any archery fixture, including ordinary club days at the BAC ground and indoor venue.  Other clubs will also expect your card to be available if you attend their shoots. Archery GB also provide access to an online card.

(a) The recognised dress of Archery GB is plain dark green and/or white. NO CAMOFLAGUE.

(b) Footwear that fully encloses the toes and front of the foot must be worn at all times when shooting.


Child Protection Guidelines: Bromley Archery Club follows the CPO policy and guidelines as outlined in the documents on the CPO page.  All children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Parents and guardians MUST REMAIN WITH THEIR CHILD for the duration of their attendance at the club.



Please contact us if you are interested in a training course.


If you have been a member of Archery GB previously and would like to join this club, please contact us.  You will need to be assessed by the club prior to joining.




Bromley Archery Club


See Club News for the latest club competition results and What's New? for other club related information and quick updates.  To see a list of all tabs on the site use the SITEMAP link at the bottom of every page.

ARCHERY GB - New classification standards
AGB classification information. Click here for more information.
BAC Data Privacy Information
Document requires password 
AGM Minutes 2024
Minutes and accounts
(Password required)
16 February 2025
Valentine's Day Shoot
2024 Tournaments
The listing can be found here 

Results Archive

Full year results in Archive

SCORESHEETS - correct completion

The Members Only area has a section dedicated to the completion of scoresheets.  Members should familiarise themselves with these guidelines. If your scoresheet is not completed correctly your score will not be recorded in the database. Competition results may also exclude your details if you fail to follow instructions correctly.



A copy of the Club Constitution and various other club documents can be found in the Members Only area. Details for setting out the field and related information can be found here.


MEMBERS ONLY AREA: Password protected area for full Bromley Archery Club members only. You may be asked for proof of membership. Send an email to for the password.

Print | Sitemap
All content © Bromley Archery Club or individual members of Bromley Archery Club (Last updated 16 February 2025)