See Club
News for the latest club competition results and What's New? for other club related information and quick updates. To see a list of all tabs on the site use theSITEMAPlink at the bottom of everypage.
ARCHERY GB - New classification standards
AGB classification information. Clickherefor more information.
TheMembers Onlyarea has a section dedicated to the completion of scoresheets. Members should
familiarise themselves with these guidelines. If your scoresheet is not completed correctly your score will not be recorded in the database. Competition results may also
exclude your details if you fail to follow instructions correctly.
A copy of the Club Constitution and various other club documents can be found in theMembers
Onlyarea. Details for setting out the field and related information can be foundhere.
MEMBERS ONLY AREA: Password protected area for full Bromley Archery Club members only. You may be asked for
proof of membership. Send an email the password.