
Following is a list of Bromley Archery Club committee members.

George Gard

Club Chairman


Terry Archbold

Club Secretary

Terry can provide information about beginners training courses and the club in general.



Ed Stoppard

Club Treasurer



Prospective and current members should familiarise themselves with the club rules.

See Club Information.


Helen Jeory

Tournaments Officer

Please contact Helen for tournaments information or with details of your shoots.  See Tournaments.     Helen Jeory



Stelios Andreou

Records Officer

Club members should contact Stelios for handicap, round and classification information.

See Records 


Terry Archbold

Club Safeguarding

Parents and guardians should familiarise themselves with the information on the CPO page.


Andy Barnes

Equipment Officer & Club Clothing

General maintenance for the club. Andy also has a stash of club clothing that can be purchased for very reasonable prices.


Jameel Mahmood

Coach and Field Set Up

Jameel conducts training sessions for beginners, gives advice to existing archers and makes sure the field is laid out correctly for shooting.



Web Maintenance



See Club News for the latest club competition results and What's New? for other club related information and quick updates.  To see a list of all tabs on the site use the SITEMAP link at the bottom of every page.

ARCHERY GB - New classification standards
AGB has been working with various clubs etc work out new classifications. Click here for more information.
AGM Minutes 2024
Minutes and accounts
(Password required)
30 June 2024
Midsummer Metric
1 May 2024
Midweek shooting starts
The gate will be open from about 5pm
2024 Tournaments
The listing can be found here 

Celebrating Jean's life


Results Archive

Full year results in Archive

SCORESHEETS - correct completion

The Members Only area has a section dedicated to the completion of scoresheets.  Members should familiarise themselves with these guidelines. If your scoresheet is not completed correctly your score will not be recorded in the database. Competition results may also exclude your details if you fail to follow instructions correctly.



A copy of the Club Constitution and various other club documents can be found in the Members Only area.Details for setting out the field and related information can be found here.


MEMBERS ONLY AREA: Password protected area for full Bromley Archery Club members only. You may be asked for proof of membership. Send an email to for the password.

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All content © Bromley Archery Club or individual members of Bromley Archery Club (Last updated 19 July 2024)